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Floral Designer Career Facts

Nearly a third of designers are self-employed, which is almost five times the proportion for all professional and related occupations. Keen competition is expected for most jobs because many talented individuals are attracted to careers as designers.

Floral Designer Career Description

Floral designers design, cut and arrange live, dried or artificial flowers and foliage.

Floral Designer Career Details

Floral designers plan flower arrangements according to the requirements of their clients, utilizing knowledge of design and the properties of materials. They confer with clients regarding the price and type of arrangement desired. They decorate buildings, halls, churches or other facilities where events are planned. They trim material and arrange bouquets, wreaths, terrariums and other items, using trimmers, shapers, wire, pins, floral tape, foam and other materials. They select flora and foliage for arrangements and pack and wrap completed arrangements. They may conduct classes or demonstrations and train other workers. They also estimate costs and price arrangements.

Floral Designer Career Specializations

The variety of duties performed by floral designers depends on the size of the shop and the number of designers employed in it. In a small operation, floral designers may own their own shops and do almost everything, from growing and purchasing flowers to keeping financial records.

Programs to Consider:

Floral Designer Career Working Environment

Places of employment and working conditions vary. Floral designers usually work regular hours in a pleasant work environment, but holiday, wedding and funeral orders often require overtime.

Floral Designer Career Required Training

Creativity is essential in all design occupations; people in the field must have a strong sense of aesthetics and possess an eye for color and detail, an appreciation for beauty and a sense of balance and proportion. Most floral designers learn their skills on the job. When employers hire trainees, they generally look for high school graduates who have a flair for arranging and a desire to learn. Nonetheless, completion of formal training is an asset for floral designers, particularly for advancement to the chief floral designer level.

People in this field need self-discipline to start projects on their own, to budget their time and to meet deadlines and production schedules. Good business sense and sales ability are also important, especially for those who run their own business.

Floral Designer Career Coursework

Vocational and technical schools offer programs in floral design, usually lasting less than a year, while two- and four-year programs in floriculture, horticulture, floral design or ornamental horticulture are offered by community and junior colleges as well as colleges and universities.

Floral Designer Career Future Job Outlook

Floral design should be the least competitive of all design fields because of the relatively low pay and limited opportunities for advancement, as well as the relatively high job turnover of floral designers in retail flower shops.

Floral Designer Salary

Median Salary--$23,610 in 2011.

Career Info Design