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Alabama Art Schools

Alabama Art Schools

Art is a broad field that includes multimedia and film, ceramics, drawing, illustration, metalsmithing and jewelry, painting, photography, printmaking, and sculpture. Each discipline has its own required skills, degree requirements, and major industries served. For example, many multimedia artist work in the advertising and film industries and many sculptors work for government funded projects such as parks and other vast public spaces as well as museums and more. No matter which industry you choose, training and special skills are needed to be successful in any given career field. To give yourself an advantage, you should begin your training in art school.

Art schools can be found all over the U.S. from Rhode Island to Alabama to California. In Alabama, there are dozens of art programs offered through colleges of art & design, and multimedia departments. Just a few top Alabama art schools include University of Alabama-Department of Art, Tuscaloosa (est. 1831), University of Alabama-Birmingham (est. 1936), Auburn University-Art and Design Department (est.1907), and Samford University (est. 1841).

Overall, the state of Alabama 39 public and 29 private institutions with more than 268,183 students enrolled. There are thousands of students enrolled in Alabama art schools with more than 200 enrolled Alabama’s top Art schools alone. According to the latest figures released by the U.S. Census Bureau, Art school enrollment is 110,273+ students across the nation.

Schools to Consider:

Facts and Figures for Alabama Art Schools

Average Tuition Costs On-Campus

The average cost for tuition and fees at a public Alabama art school is $4,907 per academic year. The average cost for tuition and fees at a private Alabama art school is $14,116 per academic year.

Average Tuition Costs Online

The tuition rate for Alabama art schools starts at around $200 per credit hour. For graduate school, tuition starts at around $300 per credit hour. Art students will pay the same amount for tuition and fees for online programs as on-campus programs, but you will save a significant amount of money by eliminating room & board expenses as well as transportation costs. The average room and board costs for public Alabama colleges is $6,129 per academic year.

Noted On-Campus Alabama Art Schools and Enrollment

University of Alabama-Department of Art, Tuscaloosa (avg. enrollment, 28,807 students overall)
University of Alabama-Birmingham (avg. enrollment, 18,047 students overall)
Samford University (avg. enrollment, 2,848 students overall)
Auburn University (avg. enrollment, 24,137 students overall)

Noted Online Art Schools Available in Alabama  

University of Alabama Online
The Art Institute, Online
Academy of Art Online

*NASAD Accredited Alabama Art Schools

University of Alabama-Birmingham
University of Alabama-Department of Art, Tuscaloosa

Council for Interior Design Accredited Alabama Art Schools

Samford University
Auburn University
University of Alabama-Department of Art, Tuscaloosa

Statistical Abstract of the United States: 2007, 126th Ed.
Princeton Review
National Center for Education and Statistics
The U.S. Census Bureau
Council for Interior Design
*National Association for Schools of Art and Art (NASAD)

Locations Alabama